
Showing posts from September, 2017


Hello! Some of you reading may know that I have naturally curly hair. It's a feature that I both love and hate, and overall, I try to embrace it. This hasn't been easy though, because up until I was 13 or 14, I had straight hair. It was so pretty too! It was also a lot blonder then (just a side note). When I was younger I thought that naturally curly hair looked like what Taylor Swift was sporting in her country music days: Image credit: I have since learned that that really isn't the case, and I don't have to use "hair-shaming" because my hair doesn't look like hers (even on my good curly days). I love my hair! It is one of my best assets (it's really unique, anyway). I've been living as a curly-head for a while now, so I have some tips and fun curly things I'd love to share with any of you that are struggling with the beast growing out of your head (I lovingly refer to mi

School year update

New school year! I honestly can't believe I'm a senior already! Doesn't feel like it -but then, it does. Each time the new workload rolls around, I kind of become a different person. I freak out so much that mentally, I'm not sure I'm "all there." Everything becomes a blur -literally, I can't really even remember what I did or even who I was the last time this happened. Maybe it's the fact that it's my senior year, but I am itching to hit the ground running! I have recently been reading Start with Why,  by Simon Sinek and I think that the best way to start my school year is with a personal "why." I made a poster (of sorts) that I'm going to print and hang up in my room. Here's my why: This statement really spoke to me. I think that the biggest problem I face in the school year is how unbalanced my life gets. I think that if I intentionally try to live up to this statement I will truly be able to live a life filled with