
Some of you reading may know that I have naturally curly hair. It's a feature that I both love and hate, and overall, I try to embrace it. This hasn't been easy though, because up until I was 13 or 14, I had straight hair. It was so pretty too! It was also a lot blonder then (just a side note). When I was younger I thought that naturally curly hair looked like what Taylor Swift was sporting in her country music days:
Image credit:

I have since learned that that really isn't the case, and I don't have to use "hair-shaming" because my hair doesn't look like hers (even on my good curly days).
I love my hair! It is one of my best assets (it's really unique, anyway). I've been living as a curly-head for a while now, so I have some tips and fun curly things I'd love to share with any of you that are struggling with the beast growing out of your head (I lovingly refer to mine as "the mane").

First, having a good product for your hair is absolutely essential. You can go the store-bought route, or even make your own! I make a great homemade flax seed hair gel. I can't remember where I found it originally, but here is a recipe that is pretty similar to what I do: diy flax seed hair gel

When I dry my hair with heat, I make sure to use the diffuser attachment on my blow-dryer. I have found that drying my hair with a t-shirt vs a towel has helped a lot with the ever-present frizz problem.

I also use a satin pillowcase that I think I bought off of amazon. This is really helpful in keeping your curls happy while you sleep. I have also heard of satin night caps that are supposed to be really good too. Another technique that I recently heard of is to "pineapple" your hair before you go to bed. Here's a great article about that: how to pineapple your hair

Overall, what works for one curly may not work for another. If you take the time to get to know your hair, you and your hair will be so much happier! Embrace the beauty that you have been given, and not only will your life be easier (it is really time-consuming to straighten out your kinky curls, and let's not even mention what should happen if the weather suddenly turned for the worse), but you will gain greater self-confidence to be who you truly are!

Even I need reminders sometimes, and if you are having a hard time loving your curls, you'll find that the curly community is really supportive and awesome. I recently found a funny curly's instagram account. You should check it out! (just to be clear, I'm not endorsing a sponsor or anything, just spreading the love!)

Here is a before and after of me when I learned to embrace my curls:
I think I was around 14 in this picture

This was somewhere around last week.

Lastly, shout-out to my curly idol: Tori Kelly! She is a perfect example of someone who embraces the amazing hair she naturally has.

Image credit:

Tory Kelly uses products that anyone could find and use! She did an interview about her curly hair secrets that I absolutely love! Check it out here:

I could talk all day about curly tips and tricks, but I'll end this post for now. Good luck with your curls!
Love, Hailey


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